1:05 Full VideoMakerFX

a lot of fans of this Full VideoMakerFX 1:05. by means of activation different from the others indeed make VideoMakerFX 1:05 Full looks more legeant and is very useful for making a video for business or instructional materials.
for users of Windows Movie Maker, 1:05 Full VideoMakerFX much more friendly or more mdah used. VideoMakerFX is already in sedikan with many ready-made templates.
suitable for my friend to make a business presentation video teaching materials or other small videos with great ease. but the way the activation that needs special attention and accuracy. hehe, see how
videomakerfx full

Step Activation (Note, first practice and ask questions)
  • VideoMakerFX install it
  • once finished, please Exit
  • then for activation, which is required is Xampp => Download Xampp
  • then install its Xampp
  • Xampp and run it, click Start (2 buttons), making sure as shown below:
  • Activation open the folder, copy  CheckAuth.php to the folder:  C: \ xampp \ htdocs
  • Next, edit the "Host", open With notepad in:
C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts
Important: Copy the "Host" her to Drive D had to be edited, after the editing is completed, the new move to the same place
  • fill in the line below the right at the end of the "Host" auth7.videomakerfx.com
  • then Save, and move the "host" into place
Or Download => Host finished
Extract, then copy and paste into C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts
  • Furthermore, Open Browser (Mozilla / Chrome)
  • type: http: //localhost/CheckAuth.php
  • if already running, there must appear the words (the success)
  • now run its VideoMaker
  • Fill in the username column will appear the same password, Please Fill in:
  • Done, just use the program, full
  • outstanding greetings
Size: 125 Mb
Via Datafilehost
=>  VideoMakerFX 1:05 Full
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